Our team is small and has limited funding. Due to a long waiting list, we are not currently able to convert your photos and text into finished field guides. We do make occasional exceptions to this rule, though, for guides of exceptional importance and image quality. Your request is more likely to be approved if you can answer yes to three of the questions below:
- Do you have high-quality images?
- Do you have expert identifications of those images?
- Does your guide focus on organisms, field stations, or protected areas for which few guides exist?
- Does your guide focus on organisms in the Chicago region?
To request that we make a guide for you, please send an email to fieldguides@fieldmuseum.org with:
- your institutional affiliation, if any
- a short description of the guide
- an estimate of the number of images
- a sample of five typical images as attachments
If your proposal is accepted, we'll send you further instructions.