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440Tropical America, EcuadorPlants, Terrestrial herbs, Epiphytes
275Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Terrestrial herbs
302Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
303Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Epiphytes
326Tropical America, ColombiaPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Fruits, Seeds, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
321Tropical America, MexicoPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
344Tropical America, ColombiaFungi and Lichens, Lichens
310Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
322Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Climbers, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs
347Tropical America, BoliviaPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
351Tropical America, BoliviaPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
309Tropical America, BrazilAnimals, Birds
345Tropical America, BrazilFungi and Lichens, Mushrooms
390Other Temperate Regions, USA, Chicago RegionAnimals, Spiders and scorpions
339Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Climbers
442Tropical Africa, TanzaniaAnimals, Mammals
443Tropical Africa, TanzaniaAnimals, Mammals
348Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Terrestrial herbs
446Tropical Africa, TanzaniaAnimals, Reptiles
315Tropical America, BrazilPlants, Shrubs and treelets, Trees
447Tropical America, ColombiaAnimals, Amphibians, Reptiles
355PantropicalLichens, Fungi and Lichens
445Tropical America, ColombiaAnimals, Mammals
329Tropical Africa, TanzaniaPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees
330Tropical Africa, TanzaniaPlants, Climbers, Epiphytes, Shrubs and treelets, Terrestrial herbs, Trees